Maltarich, William (Bill)
Interim Associate Dean for Collections and Content Strategy; Head, Collection Development
The collection development department works with liaison librarians to identify the information resource needs of NYU researchers, teachers, and learners for information resources. This information is used to determine the types of materials that will be collected and the criteria for selecting them.
The collection development department selects materials that meet the needs of the library’s users. This includes books, journals, electronic resources, datasets, databases, and other materials.
The collection development department regularly evaluates the collection to ensure that it meets the needs of the library’s users. This evaluation is used to identify areas where the collection can be improved.
To achieve these ends, we develop and maintain relationships with publishers, providers, and vendors, manage the library’s budget for collection development, provide training and support to library staff on collection development, and help communicate with library users about the collection.
We do this work with an eye to the long-term availability of a comprehensive and coordinated collection of resources to NYU and other scholars, now and in the future.
Interim Associate Dean for Collections and Content Strategy; Head, Collection Development
Assistant Director for Collection Development
Operations Manager for Print Collections
Shelving and Retrieval Supervisor
Bibliographic Assistant
Collections and Access Services Assistant